Book of the Month – April 2024 : The Power of your Subconscious Mind – Joseph Murphy

Dr Joseph Murphy spent a good part of his life studying eastern religions and was a scholar of the I Ching, the Chinese book of divination. He was also, for 28 years, minister at the Los Angeles branch of the Church of Divine Science, a New Thought church that promotes a practical spirituality, free of religious creed and dogma. He believed he had found secrets concerning the subconscious that were beyond time and culture. Many people say their lives were not the same after reading this book. The subconscious is powerful and what you get from Murphy is the realisation that unless you try to understand the non-rational mind, your rational desires and plans will be forever sabotaged.

“The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” is a remarkable book that delves deep into the inner workings of the human mind, providing invaluable insights into self-understanding and the art of controlling our thoughts on a daily basis. Authored by Joseph Murphy, this timeless masterpiece has had a profound impact on my understanding of myself and the power I possess within.

From the very beginning, I was drawn into the immense depth of this book. Murphy’s writing style is clear, concise, and accessible, allowing readers of all backgrounds to fully grasp the profound concepts he presents. He explores the intricate workings of the subconscious mind, shedding light on how our beliefs, thoughts, and emotions shape our realities.

What sets “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” apart is its ability to bridge the gap between theory and practical application. Murphy provides a treasure trove of techniques and exercises to harness the immense power of the subconscious mind. From visualization and affirmations to the art of self-suggestion, readers are equipped with a comprehensive toolkit to take control of their thoughts and ultimately their lives.

One of the most significant takeaways from this book is the understanding that our subconscious mind is constantly at work, influencing our thoughts and behaviors. By becoming aware of our subconscious programming, we gain the ability to rewire and reprogram it with positive and empowering beliefs. This realization alone has transformed the way I approach challenges, enabling me to replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones that align with my goals and aspirations……

(Recommended by Mr.Maharaja)

Find Your Enough

Enough is knowing that no amount in my bank account will ever satisfy my deepest fears. It’s knowing that I have enough friends that would gladly open their door and share a meal if I was ever in need. It’s the feeling that I’ve been able to spend my time over an extended stretch of time working on projects that are meaningful to me, helping people with a spirit of generosity, and having enough space and time in my life to stay energized to keep doing this over the long‑term. Enough is seeing a clear opportunity that will increase my earnings in the short‑term, but knowing that saying “no” will open me up to things that might be even more valuable in ways that are hard to understand. Enough is knowing that the clothes, fancy meal, or latest gadget will not make me happier, but also that buying such things won’t mean I’m going to end up broke. Enough is having meaningful conversations with people that inspire me, people that I love, or people that support me.

-Paul Millerd

Why am I afraid to Open my Mouth?

One day, I was sitting in a company meeting where people were discussing important policies that could have a significant negative impact on the environment.
As I sat there, I came to the realisation that while I felt very strongly about these issues, I was essentially silent.

Why?’ I asked myself. ‘Why am I afraid to open my mouth? When I was hired into this company from the outside years ago, I had no fear. I openly expressed my feelings and concerns. I was confident. I felt I could act with integrity. What’s made the difference?’

As I thought about it, I realised that since that time, I had acquired substantial retirement benefits. I’d bought a new home. I was making payments on a new boat. Essentially, I didn’t want to do anything that might jeopardise my economic security. I realised the ‘golden handcuffs’ held me bound.

At that point I made two resolutions : to get my financial affairs in order and build up some reserves, and to continually improve my marketability. I never again wanted to be in a position where my integrity was compromised by my dependence on a job.

–          From ‘First Things First’ by Stephen Covey and A. Roger and Rebecca R. Merrill.

The Quiltmakers Gift

Customize picture quotes about friendship - You give but little when you give of your..

The author Jeff Brumbeau wrote a most insightful children’s book titled The Quiltmaker’s Gift—a message also beneficial for adults.

The story he tells is of a greedy king who has every material thing he could ever want, yet his possessions do not make him happy. The king hears of an old woman who makes the most beautiful quilts in the world and who gives them away for free to people who can’t afford them. She works all day on her quilts, and although she has few material possessions, she is very happy with her simple life. So the king decides he wants one of her quilts more than anything else, and is stunned when she won’t sell him one for any amount of money. She explains that they are only for those who can’t afford them. He is livid, but the old woman won’t bend, no matter what he does to threaten or punish her… and he certainly tries! Finally she makes a deal with the king, since she knows how selfish he is and how he doesn’t like to share any of his beautiful things. She tells him for each possession he gives away, she will make a square for his quilt. He reluctantly agrees because, though he loves all of his treasures, her beautiful quilt is the one thing he can’t have.

At first, he can’t find anything in all his treasures he can part with, but finally he decides to give away a single marble. To his surprise, the boy who receives it is so happy that the king decides to find other things to give away, and each time when he sees the joy on the face of the receiver, he can’t resist smiling. “How can this be?” the king cries. “How can I feel so happy about giving my things away?” Though he doesn’t understand why, he orders his servants to “bring everything out! Bring it all out at once!” And so each time he gives a gift away, the quiltmaker adds another piece to his quilt. After everyone in his kingdom has received a gift from him, he begins giving away his things to people all around the world, trading his treasures for smiles. Soon the king has nothing left to give, and the old woman finishes his beautiful quilt and wraps it around him, since his royal clothes are now in tatters. “As I promised you long ago,” the old woman says, “when the day came that you, yourself, were poor, only then would I give you a quilt.”

“But I’m not poor,” protests the king. “I may look poor, but in truth my heart is full to bursting, filled with memories of all the happiness I’ve given and received. I’m the richest man I know.” And so from then on, the quiltmaker sews her beautiful quilts by day, and at night the king takes them down to the town, searching out the poor and downhearted, never happier than when he is giving something away.

The biggest barrier to positive change is identity conflict.

The more deeply a thought or action is tied to your identity, the more difficult it is to change it…… The biggest barrier to positive change at any level—individual, team, society—is identity conflict. Good habits can make rational sense, but if they conflict with your identity, you will fail to put them into action….

Over the long run, however, the real reason you fail to stick with habits is that your self-image gets in the way. This is why you can’t get too attached to one version of your identity. Progress requires unlearning. Becoming the best version of yourself requires you to continuously edit your beliefs, and to upgrade and expand your identity.

James Clear from Atomic Habits